Kami membuka beberapa posisi atau kerjasama yang dapat Anda tindak lanjuti sesuai minat Anda.
Silakan memenuhi posisi yang diminati dan penuhi persyaratannya.
Kami membuka beberapa posisi atau kerjasama yang dapat Anda tindak lanjuti sesuai minat Anda.
Silakan memenuhi posisi yang diminati dan penuhi persyaratannya.
In 2021, Liliane Fonds and Rutgers joined forces in the implementation of the Body Talk Program (April 2021 – March 2024). The aim of the Body Talk Program is that ‘more than 8000 young people with disabilities are in charge of their bodies and lives, and are standing up for their rights, wishes and limits’. The program is implemented in three countries: Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. We closely collaborate with partner organizations: Yayasan NLR Indonesia, Research Center for Inclusion (RCI), and NORFIL Foundation. These partners work closely with young people with disabilities and advocates for equal rights to local authorities. In Indonesia, The Body Talk project is implemented in 4 locations: Medan, Makassar, Ambon City, and Sumba.
The purpose of the End Evaluation is for capturing results, success, lessons learned, challenges and barriers of the Body Talk Programme and understanding the sustainability of the program. We therefore are looking for an external consultant for the end evaluation of the body talk project in Indonesia. The selected consultant will then work with other consultants from other two countries.
For the detailed information, please kindly find the Term of Reference attached (pdf)
Candidates can express their interest with a short letter of interest and proposal (max 5 pages) to be sent to Liliane Fonds’ Organizational Development Adviser Ms. Willie Houben, (whouben@lilianefonds.nl) and Liliane Fonds’ Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Adviser, Ms. Caroline Mol, (CMol@lilianefonds.nl) by August 25th, 2024. The proposal should include some initial thoughts around the approach and methodology, a timetable and budget. The budget should include the daily rate and possible additional logistics expenses.
We are looking for External Consultants.
Terms of Reference
Building Effective Networks (BEN) in Indonesia
Full assignment
Phase 1: Context Analysis and Theory of Change
Phase 2: Multi-Annual Programme Plan and Network Development
Liliane Foundation (LF) is a Dutch civil society organisation that aims to empower children and youngsters with disabilities in low-income countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The vision of LF is that children and youngsters with disabilities who live in poverty participate equally and up to their full potential in their families and communities, so that their lives have the highest possible quality.
To understand more detail of the Liliane Fonds’ Vision, please find attached Annex 1 Result Framework (click here)
Currently, we are looking for an External Consultant(s).
For the detailed information, please kindly find the Term of Reference attached (pdf)
Interested consultant(s) are invited to send a short letter of interest and proposal (maximum 5 pages) latest April 21, 2024 to LF’s Organisational Development Adviser W.Houben, whouben@lilianefonds.nl
NLR Indonesia adalah sebuah yayasan nirlaba dan non-pemerintah yang memusatkan kerjanya pada penanggulangan kusta dan konsekuensinya di Indonesia.NLR Indonesia menggunakan pendekatan tiga zero, yaitu zero transmission (nihil penularan), zero disability (nihil disabilitas) dan zero exclusion (nihil eksklusi). Di dunia, NLR Indonesia merupakan anggota dari NLR Alliance yang bermarkas di Belanda. Selain Indonesia, anggota dari NLR Alliance lainnya adalah NLR Mozambique, NLR India, NLR Nepal, dan NLR Brazil. Di Indonesia, kerja-kerja NLR Indonesia telah dirintis sejak tahun 1975 oleh NLR Belanda bersama Pemerintah Indonesia. Pada 2018, NLR bertransformasi menjadi entitas nasional yaitu NLR Indonesia dengan maksud untuk membuat kerja-kerja organisasi menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien menuju Indonesia bebas dari kusta. Sama seperti Aliansi NLR International, NLR Indonesia memiliki slogan: Hingga kita bebas dari kusta.
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